
We're delighted to have you among our candidates for the position of customer support agent!

In order to be objective and to make sure that the scope of your knowledge and skills corresponds to the requirements of this job, we invite you to take a test.

Task 1 (~ 1 hour)

Write the answers to the following questions in English:

  1. What online learning platforms do you know? Name 2-3 platforms. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Choose your favorite learning platform.
  2. Imagine that you have to build your own learning platform. What would you do the same and what would you do differently? Analyzing learning platforms you can think about their content, customer service, technological features, target audience, and so on. You can come up with any ideas you like. Be creative.
  3. What media do you follow? Name 3-5 online media you normally use to get updates on the topics you are interested in. It can be news websites, Telegram channels, VK groups, and so on. Tell us why do you prefer these media.

Task 2 (~ 10 minutes)

Make a short video and tell us more about yourself and the reasons you're interested in becoming a customer support agent at Practicum. The first two questions are to be answered in Russian, the next two questions – in English.

Feel free to write your answers to the questions in a format of your choice: Google Doc / Notion page / MS Word, and and send the link on HH.com

Good luck with the test task!

Best wishes,

Practicum USA HR Team